
Simple Ways to Improve Sleep Without Medication

Everyone has trouble falling or staying asleep once in a while, but some people struggle with sleep deprivation nearly every night. Many people with chronic sleep issues eventually reach a point where they struggle to go to bed and face the stress of yet another sleepless night.

Although sleep medications exist, taking them can come at a price. If you have to use them consistently to get to sleep, then you can quickly wind up dependent on them. Trying to cease use — or even accidentally being away from them for a short time — can be truly harrowing.

Fortunately, there are many non-medical interventions people can try before turning to sleep aids. Belle Vous Spawants to help you find the best solution for your situation. Here’s a look at some tools that may help:

Create a Soothing Environment

It’s entirely possible that your sleep space simply isn’t conducive to getting a good night’s rest. Give yourself the right start by making sure your room is cool but comfortable and as dark as possible. You can also try using a speaker to play soothing music or white noise. If you sleep best in silence, you can go the opposite route and invest in some comfortable sleep earplugs.

Focus on Self-Care

Self-care is still a popular buzzword, but there’s a lot of truth to its importance. And while self-care goes beyond pampering yourself, there’s something to be said for making an appointment for a massage, spa package or time in the sauna. In fact, regular massage therapy has been shown to decrease sleep disturbances and reduce headaches.

Avoid Working in Your Bedroom

Since the pandemic began, more and more people have been working from home. Although a home office is an ideal setup, many people simply don’t have room for a dedicated workspace. If you’re in this boat, avoid working in your bedroom if possible — and absolutely do not work on your bed! When you do this, you train your brain to enter productive mode while trying to sleep. This will make it far harder to get the rest you need.

Check Your Diet

There are several foods you should avoid if you have trouble sleeping. For starters, take a look at your caffeine consumption. Coffee, soda, and even chocolate past the afternoon can wreak havoc on your sleep schedule. You may also have trouble falling asleep if you eat spicy or greasy foods in the evening as these can cause heartburn and other digestive issues. Finally, try to hit your water goals before dinner, and keep liquid intake before bed to a minimum.

Start Practicing Mindfulness

If racing thoughts keep you up at night, a regular mindfulness practice might help. Try to spend 10 minutes each day simply being present in the current moment. You can do this through meditation or physical activity like yoga. You can even practice mindfulness while doing the dishes. If you have trouble staying present, focus your mind on your senses. Try to identify at least one thing you see, hear, smell, feel, and taste. This exercise helps you to notice more of the world around you and trains your mind to slow down and let go of stressful thought patterns.

Limit Screen Use Before Bed

Finally, avoid using any kind of screen at least half an hour before bed. This includes computers, phones, and televisions. These screens all emit blue light, which has been linked to inhibited melatonin production. This can make it significantly harder to fall asleep, so consider switching to reading, drawing, listening to music, or another screen-free activity while you wind down for bed.